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Speaker: 阮勇强
Date: December 6, 2003




這次活動將于十二月七日星期六下午兩點至四點舉行。主講人為紐約市教育局的阮勇强先生他在這次講座中主要介紹网頁制作的一些基本要點, 軟件(Dreamweaver) 的使用以及在中文教學中的應用他還將討論如下話題﹕

  • 网頁設計軟件介紹

  • 网頁設計的步驟

  • 中文輸入顯示

  • 多媒體的使用

  • 网上練習初探


Using Dreamweaver 

to Design Web Projects


Alternative Superintendent Office, New York City


Henry Ruan

Designing web pages for subject classes can be a very exciting learning experience to students. Publishing web pages online can also be very rewarding. Macromedia Dreamweaver is a web-authoring tool allowing more versatility and it is easy to use. It works with all browsers such as Explorer, Netscape and others. This workshop includes: Define site, editing fonts and table, working with images and page layout...

1.   Define a site and manage the site: The very first step in web design with Dreamweaver is to define site. That will allow user to work on a specific project within the defined site.


2.   Using template: Template is a very helpful tool to design a web project in an efficient way. When you use the template for all pages in the site, it is easy to make change. Most of time, you just need to change template page. All other pages will be automatically updated. Download from


3.     Table and layout design: Table is the best way to organize a page layout. A good use of table can improve design and layout.


4.     Text formatting and cascading style sheets: Readability is the most important issue in web design. Always limit the use of types of font less than 3 and try to use sans serif fonts. CCS is an efficient way to manage the use of fonts.


5.     Rollover, transparency and animation: Fireworks and Photoshop can be used to create rollover and animation. A set of two images is needed for rollover effect. Animation can be created in Photoshop/ImageReady and it must be save as gif file.


6.    Navigation/links (new windows): Links buttons can be used for navigation. Test links are also necessary in every page.


7.     Forms: Drop down menus, form with text fields and buttons can be used with program.


8.     Database application: Dreamweaver MX supports database applications. Databases can be set up and accessed by various scripting languages. Database can be set up in Access, SQL and Oracle.


9.     ftp: Set up ftp remote site within Dreamweaver. File transfer can be accomplished in the program. Free web space at

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