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Speaker: 岳美
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1-3 pm

A Visit to Renwen Society of a Legendary Performing Star of Kunqu 

岳美, 世界聞名的崑曲藝術表演家,上海崑劇團主要演員,國家一級演員。一九五四年至一九六一年在上海戲曲學校崑劇班追隨崑曲大師俞振飛、沈傳芷習崑曲小生,後又入戲劇導演班進修,對崑曲的理論及實踐均有獨到的見解。曾赴世界各地參加藝術節及文化交流演出、講學、授藝。歷年來獲得國內外各項戲劇大獎,包括中國戲劇第四屆梅花獎,第四屆及第八屆白玉蘭戲劇表演主角獎等。一九九六年參加全國崑劇新劇目展演,主演《司馬相如》,中央電視台首度為戲劇做全國現場直播。並曾主演電影戲劇片崑劇「琴挑」飾潘必正(1975),電視戲曲片崑劇「晴雯」飾賈寶玉(1983),崑劇《玉簪記》飾潘必正(1986),崑劇《司馬相如》飾司馬相如(1997)。



A countertenor singing and playing the young-man role type of the Kunqu theater, Mme. Yue Meiti has attained the status of `national treasure' in performing art in China. Blessed with a dazzling androgynous beauty, Mme. Yue's young male scholars are as handsome as they are cultured and refined. Mme. Yue has a clear and sweet voice that is produced with virility and great lung power. Her movements are marked by grace and agility, and her expressions and emotions exquisite. A reigning star in the classical Chinese theater, hers is a household name to millions of aficionados of Kunqu and Beijing opera in and out of China.

And now Mme. Yue Meiti is coming to New York City to appear as the male lead in Seduction on the Zither (qin tiao), her signature role! Before her performance on May 2, Mme. Yue will give a lecture/demo in Chinese on the beauty of the Kunqu art at the Renwen Society of China Institute on Sunday, April 25 from 1PM to 3 P.M.  Do not miss the lecture/demo or the memorable production given by this living legend in Kunqu!

講座對人文學會學員免費﹐對非會員建議捐付5美元以支持中華文華系列講座的進一步發展。因座位有限,請預先訂位。訂位電話﹕212-744-8181, 分機 142。詢問電郵: 網上訂位請填下表。華美協進社的地址是曼哈頓東六十五街一百二十五號 (公園大道和勒辛頓大道間)。四﹐五號地鐵五十九街下﹐六號地鐵六十八街 (亨特學院站) 下﹐F 地鐵六十三街 (勒辛頓大道) 下。


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