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Speaker: 張霓 博士
Date: Saturday, February 14, 2004
Time: 2-5 pm




隨着科技的快速發展﹐多媒體將越來越多地運用于語言教學。 很多老師迫切希望在自己的教學中補充一些音像材料﹐ 但不知從何處入手。 無論您是已經迫不及待躍躍欲試還是等待觀望猶豫不決, 都歡迎你來參加本期講座。 哥倫比亞大學的張霓老師將向您介紹編製音象材料的一些基本知識和步驟﹐使您能夠輕鬆地邁出第一步﹐自信地加入到電腦及多媒體教研的行列裡來。



音檔(Sound File﹕用哪種音檔格式(WAV, MP3? 怎麼錄音放、轉換格式上網﹖

圖檔(Image File﹕怎麼將照片或圖片存入電腦? 怎麼做簡單的圖像編輯﹖ 

影檔(Video File: 怎麼做簡單的影像材料?

編製音像材料 怎麼利用通用的軟件(PowerPoint) 編製融音像文為一體的課堂教學活動﹖

教學設計示例: 為進一步激發參加者的興趣及信心﹐ 張霓老師將演示自己嘗試編制的活動設計, 包括網視聽練習, 課堂詞語操練, 自測游戲, 以及文化介紹等。  

Lecture: Creating Audio-Visual Materials for Web or Classroom Activities

Dr. Phyllis Zhang , Columbia University  

Jointly sponsored by 

China Institute

Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York 

Asian Languages Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Center , Division of English Language Learners,

New York City Department of Education


Saturday, February 14, 2004

2:00-5:00 PM

125 East 65th Street

New York, NY 10021


Along with the rapid development in technology, multimedia will be used more and more in language education as well as in other disciplines. Many teachers feel impelled to learn the basic techniques which will enable them to create or manipulate digital materials, e.g. images, slideshows, audio and/or video clips. This workshop will present the basics of some common digitizing tasks and demonstrate how they apply to teaching. It will also provide, through the demos of my sample works, an in-depth look at the some popular tools and features.  The session covers the following topics:

1.           Sound Files: What format (e.g. WAV, MP3) should be used? How to record and play an audio clip via your computer? How to convert the format? How to upload the clip to a web page?

2.           Image Files: How to save an image as a digital file? What is the difference between formats? How to modify an image (make changes in color, size, image etc.)? How to add effective text?

3.           Video Files: How to create and edit a simple digital video clip for teaching?

4.           Creating Multimedia Materials: How to most effectively utilize some commonly available tools (e.g. MS PowerPoint) to integrate sound, images, and text and generate vivid presentations and interactive activities. 

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