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Speaker: 陳東東
Date: January 29, 2005, 2-4 pm

如何用PowerPoint 作中文視材料




您是否對PowerPoint 軟件早就躍躍欲試但又對之望而生畏﹖



如果您對以上所有問題或其中一個問題的答案是的話﹐那請您千萬別錯過大紐約地區中文教師學會近期將舉行的關于如何用PowerPoint 軟件製作中文材料的講習班詳細內容如下。


二零零五年一月二十九日西東大學亞洲學系中文部主任陳東東博士將在華美人文學院向您介紹如何用PowerPoint 軟件製作中文材料。講習班具體解答以下幾個基本問題﹐並為大家作詳細示範。您如有手提電腦和麥克風﹐不妨帶上作現場操練




怎樣用PowerPoint 編製中文教學演示幻燈片﹖

怎樣用PowerPoint 將您的聲音錄入電腦﹖



講習班免費。因場地有限﹐需預先報名。因座位有限,請預先訂位。訂位電話﹕212-744-8181. ext. 142。網上訂位請填下表。華美協進社的地址是曼哈頓東六十五街一百二十五號 (公園大道和勒辛頓大道間)。四﹐五號地鐵五十九街下﹐六號地鐵六十八街 (亨特學院站) 下﹐F 地鐵六十三街 (勒辛頓大道) 下。


Creating Audio-visual Multimedia Learning Materials


Did you have difficulty in engaging students to improve listening skills of Chinese?


Have you thought about using technology to assist your teaching of audio-visual Chinese?


Did you wonder how to integrate pictures with sounds to develop audio-visual materials?


Do you want to learn PowerPoint so as to produce teaching notes to be used in classroom?


If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you will find it interesting to attend the following workshop to be held (time) at China Institute.


Multimedia computer technology is starting to be used widely to support language teaching and learning. In order to effectively and also efficiently assist learners of Chinese with their listening comprehension, Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York is initiating a project, which is to build up a data bank consisting of audio-visual materials, i.e., sounds and images. Topics of materials will range from transportation to entertainment, from restaurant to hotel, from cooking to wedding, anything that is part of Chinese culture or Chinese people’s daily life. The end product of the project will be in the format of CD’s, which can be shared by teachers of Chinese at different levels for their teaching purposes, or used by students directly to their own needs.


Under the current technology, sounds can be recorded into a computer; photos can be shot using a digital camera and then transferred into the computer in a minute. And Microsoft PowerPoint can easily integrate images with sounds through just a few clicks. We are going to run a workshop to demonstrate how to do these things from scratch. With the acquired technical skills, one can take pictures, record sounds, and mix the two together to produce interesting and useful audio-visual materials.  


The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Dongdong Chen, Assistant Professor and Director of Chinese Program at the Department of Asian Studies in Seton Hall University. Dr. Chen has developed a web-based Chinese-learning program for her students, and will coordinate this project in the development process.


The ultimate purpose of the workshop is to start a collaborative project of creating a data bank of multimedia audio-visual files that can be used by teachers of Chinese as supplemental teaching material. Running a project in such a scale needs support and commitment from people like you, the teachers of Chinese. We would like you to attend the workshop to learn the how-to, and then contribute your materials to the database. With our joint efforts, we can together establish this audio-visual data bank, make it grow, and render it a wonderful teaching tool.


If you are interested in participating, you are welcome to bring your laptop, photo images and a microphone to try your hands during the workshop.


Free, but advance registration is required. To register, please call 212-744-8181 ext. 142 or or fill out the following form.


Register for this Workshop (Code 012905)

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