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Speaker: 葉明媚 (Mingmei Yip)
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2012, 2:15 pm-4:00 pm


Author's Talk on Skeleton Women

新書 《红粉骷髅》 發表會



(This lecture will be bilingual in both English and Chinese.)


Mingmei Yip’s new and fourth novel is Skeleton Women, a Chinese phrase for femmes fatales. The novel tells the story about three women -- Camilla, a nightclub singer who has been forced to become a spy, Shadow a magician who jumps naked off a tall building, and a gender-ambiguous gossip columnist. All must scheme in order to survive the gang wars in lawless 1930s Shanghai.

In this event, Dr. Yip will also discuss women spies in modern China (with slides) – their skill, scheme, and fate. She will highlight two celebrity spies, Jin Bihui and Li Xianglan - the latter a popular singer, movie star and who later became a successful politician.

Following the brief talk, Yip will read excerpts from Skeleton Women and sign copies.
Her other novels are: Song of the Silk Road (2011), Petals from the Sky (2010), and Peach Blossom Pavilion (2008).

All are welcome!


Free, but advance registration is requested. To register for this talk, please click here.


Location: China Institute, 125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10068



小說家葉明媚博士的最新力作紅粉骷髏Skeleton Women, 已經由美國Kensington Books出版. 故事講敘孤兒Camilla 的遭遇. 從她如何在十四歲時被黑社領養, 培訓成最受歡迎的夜總會歌星及出色的間諜, 去刺殺另一黑社會頭目, 到後來她與其敵對黑社會頭目的獨子及其最信任的保鏢發生了戀情.
更糟糕的是對她虎視耽耽的徐了黑社會, 還有美麗神秘的魔術師Shadow 想強奪Camilla黑社會第一情婦的地位. 及用筆殺人的話題專欄作家Rainbow Chang 對她的無情攻擊.

即使Camilla 熟讀孫子兵法及三十六計, 她又如何能從四面楚歌的環境中逃出生天?

Skeleton Women是葉明媚的第四本英文小說, 前三本分別為絲路之歌Song of the Silk Road, 天女散花Petals from the Sky, 及桃花亭Peach Blossom Pavilion 均非常受讀者歡迎. 桃花亭已印第五版.
葉明媚的講座將分為三部分. 介紹中國的著名女間諜(付幻燈), 閱讀Skeleton Women 節彔, 及簽名售書.


華美人文學會的地址是曼哈頓東六十五街一百二十五號(公園大道和勒辛頓大道間)。 四﹐五號地鐵五十九街下﹐六號地鐵六十八街(亨特學院站)下﹐ F地鐵六十三街(勒辛頓大道)下。人文學會電話﹕(646) 912-8861。


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