Book Launch and Symposium: Speakers' bios
(In alphabetical order)
Cheng (程健)
Mr. Jim Cheng is the
director of C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. He has B.A from
Fudan University, China, and M.A in Comparative Literature and Library and
Information Science from the University of Washington at Seattle, USA. He was an
editor in Social Sciences in China, Chinese Academy of Social Science from 1982
to 1986, and then served in East Asia Library, Law library at University of
Washington, and the library of the University of Iowa. He was the director of
International Relations & Pacific Studies Library and East Asia Collection at
the University of California,
San Diego from November of 2002 to June of 2010. Mr. Cheng was elected as Vice
President/President-Elected of CEAL (Council on East Asian Libraries) for the
term of 2014-2019 in March 2014. Due to his distinctive and innovative
contribution in library collections of East Asian films,
holding Film Festivals and symposiums on East Asian films,
Mr. Cheng was named as one of the 2008 Movers and Shakers by the US Library
Journal. In 2009, he won the Fulbright Scholar
Research Award from the United States Department of State to support his works
of An Annotated Bibliography for Taiwan films Studies.
His professional activities and academic works involve in library information,
fund raising, digital library building, library special collections, literature
and film studies.
程健先生1982年畢業於復旦大學中文系,1982年至1986年擔任中國社會科學院中國社會科學雜誌社編輯職務,分別於1989年和1996年獲得美國西雅圖華盛頓大學比較文學碩士和圖書館信息學碩士學位,曾任職於美國華盛頓大學東亞圖書館,法律圖書館,愛荷華大學圖書館,從2002年11月到2010年6月任加州大學聖地亞哥分校國際關係暨太平洋研究圖書館以及東亞圖書館館長,自2010年7月起任哥倫比亞大學CV Starr 東亞圖書館館長, 自2014年3月起當選為任期五年的北美東亞圖書館協會副會長/會長。由於他在建立圖書館的東亞電影收藏以及圖書館舉辦有關電影節和電影研討會方面作出的具有創新意義的成績,他被美國“圖書館雜誌”評為2008年風雲人物。 2009年程健先生獲得美國國務院頒發的“富爾布萊特學者研究獎”以便於他寫作“台灣電影研究書目提要”一書。程健先生的專業活動與學術著作涉及圖書館信息,數字化圖書館建設與服務,圖書館籌款, 文學與電影研究領域。
Tai-loi Ma
Dr. Tai-loi Ma was a student of the great scholar Jao Tsung-I at the University of Hong Kong in the late sixties of the last century. After graduation, he came to the United States to study Far Eastern Librarianship at the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago in 1970. He started his library career as a part-time student assistant and eventually became the Curator of its Far Eastern Library in 1987. He returned to Hong Kong in 1997 to serve as a Deputy University Librarian of HKU. During his time at the University of Chicago, he obtained a MA degree from the Graduate Library School and a PhD from the Department of Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations.
Dr. Ma has been the Director of Princeton University’s East Asian Library since June 2001. He is a past President of the Council on East Asian Libraries. He is a frequent contributor to scholarly journals in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany and the United States, as well as a participant in many international conferences.
馬泰來博士,上世纪六十年代師承香港大學饒宗頤教授(饒宗頤教授,蜚聲國際的國學大師、漢學家,學術界稱其為“國際矚目的漢學泰斗”、“整個亞洲文化的驕傲”)、美國芝加哥大學何炳棣教授(何炳棣教授著作弘富,為歷史學界泰斗)及錢存訓教授(錢存訓教授一生致力於圖書館學、歷史學研究工作,著述巨富,致力於美國圖書館事業,並建立了美國第一流的芝加哥大學遠東圖書館)。馬泰來博士於1971年赴芝加哥大學圖書館學研究院念遠東圖書館專業。同時在遠東圖書館工作。隨後擔任芝加哥大學東亞圖書館館長(1987年至1997年) 。,以及香港大學圖書館副總館長(1997年至2001年)。在芝加哥大學二十七年,先後獲得圖書館學研究院碩士及遠東語言文化系博士。自2001年6月起,任普林斯頓大學東亞圖書館館長,曾任北美東亞圖書館協會會長。馬泰來博士常常參加國際學術會議,論文散見中國,臺灣,香港,日本,荷蘭,德國和美國各地學報。
Suez (史济良)
Mr. Julian Suez graduated with B.S.M.E. from The University of Texas, Austin, in
1961, and received his M.S. in Engineering in 1962. He joined IBM Corporation
right after MIT and has since been with IBM. Julian had assignments to work in
Hong Kong in 1979 and was one of the first 10 to start IBM China in 1984 in
Beijing. His current job responsibility is to organize IBM's Chinese customer
visits to the IBM labs and plants in US in sales support activities. Born and
raised in Shanghai, Julian came to US in 1958 to pursue high education.
Mr. Suez is the only son of Mr. How Zoen Fong's
fifth daughter, Rhoda, a graduate of Shanghai University. Julian's father,
K.A.L. Suez was an Automotive Engineer, a graduate of University of Michigan.
Julian is one of the 7 surviving grand children of Mr. and Mrs. How Zoen Fong.
All of them considers themselves 'How' grandchildren, even though none carries
the name 'How'.
Wang (汪班)
Senior Lecturer in Language and Humanities at the China Institute, Co-Chair of the Renwen Society of the China Institute, and Instructor of Chinese at the United Nations Language Program.
Ben Wang teaches and lectures on the Chinese language, calligraphy, and classical Chinese literature -- with emphases on the Book of Songs, the Songs of the South; Han, Tang and Song poetry; Yuan and Ming poetic dramas; Story of the Stone of the Qing; classical Kunqu drama and Beijing opera; Literati Painting. (Ben Wang’s lectures on and translations of Kunqu dramas have been reviewed and acclaimed three times in the New York Times by the Times’ music and drama critic James Oestreich as “magnificent,” “captivating,” and “colorful.”)
Since 1989, Ben Wang has lectured (extensively on the above-mentioned subjects)at Yale, Columbia, Barnard, Williams, U.C. Berkeley, New York University, Bates, Colby, Hamilton, Middlebury, Rutgers, Seton Hall, St. Mary’s College in California, the Smithsonian, the National Gallery of Art, United Nations, Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seattle Art Museum, Museum of Fine Arts of Boston, ABC Nightline, the BBC, among other academic and cultural institutions. He taught Chinese and translation at Columbia University, New York University, Pace University and City University of New York between 1969 and 1991.
汪班:江蘇灌雲人,台灣淡江文理學院外文系學士,美國西東大學(Seton Hall University)文學碩士。現任聯合國語言部中文資深教師;紐約華美協進社資深語言文化講師;紐約海外崑曲社顧問兼首席翻譯;紐約人文學會共同主席;紐約詩詞學會顧問。現居紐約。
Wang (王冀)
Dr. Wang has been a Professor of History at Georgetown University since 1969. His areas of expertise include contemporary China and US-China relations.
Dr. Wang contributed to the establishment of Georgetown University’s PhD program in Asian History. Since 1972, Dr. Wang has acted as an advisor for graduate students majoring in US-China relations. Dr. Wang has also been responsible for the development of the Chinese collection at the Library of Congress over the past thirty years. The Library holds the largest and most comprehensive collection on Asia within the US and is America’s most important center on traditional and contemporary China. The collection now has over one million volumes and is the largest of its kind outside of China. It has frequently been consulted by government agencies, the academic community, and corporate researchers.
Dr. Wang received his high school, college, and graduate education in the United States. He received his PhD. degree from Georgetown University in 1969. In 1995, Dr. Wang and a number of prominent American diplomats co-founded the U.S.-China Policy Foundation. Dr. Wang is currently serving as the Foundation’s co-chair and president. In addition, Dr. Wang has produced China Forum, a weekly talk show broadcast locally on public television since 1990. Dr. Wang is also the founder and publisher of the Washington Journal of Modern China. He has written numerous publications on contemporary China and US-China relations.
Dr. Wang has served as the honorary consultant to the White House relating to US-China trade issues during the Carter Administration and the first Bush administration. He was also one of the co-founders of the National Committee on US-China Relations in 1966. He also was an honorary consultant to the Committee for the Scholarly Communication with the People’s Republic of China of the National Academy of Science.
Dr. Wang has also represented the US government in 1972 in negotiations to establish cultural exchange projects with the Chinese government in Beijing. As a result many cultural and educational programs were carried out in subsequent years. The U.S-China Policy Foundation has assisted a number of major American business enterprises to develop their business opportunities in China since the 1990s.
王冀博士1949年9月赴美求學,獲馬里蘭大學農學學士。之後在喬治敦大學獲得歷史學博士學位,並留校任教。 50年代開始,在國會圖書館中文部工作,隨後擔任中文部主任。 1966年,美中全國關係委員會創辦人之一。 1971年,尼克松訪華前,參與白宮安全理事會討論中美破冰事宜。 1972年6月,受美國國務院指派秘密從香港訪問大陸,打開中美兩國文化學術交往的大門。 1995年成立美中政策基金會並擔任基金會主席至今。幾十年來,為美國政府、國會提供意見和建議,整理研究報告,使美國政要和議員更多的接觸中國、了解中國,加強合作關係。在美國總統如裡根、克林頓訪華前,王冀博士都應國務院要求參與安排和諮詢。他可以說是在冷戰時期唯一一位在美國大力支持中國,支持發展與中國交往的學術界人士。
中國方面,王冀博士先後接待過鄧小平總理、李先念主席、江澤民主席、朱鎔基總理、胡錦濤主席、溫家寶總理、吳邦國委員長的歷次訪問。台灣方面,1995年二戰勝利50週年,主辦宋美齡女士在華盛頓國會的演講,轟動一時,大漲華人誌氣。 2001至2005年,在台灣與連戰先生會見多次商討兩岸問題,連戰請王冀博士為他前往大陸鋪路,他欣然應允,與中共中央台辦負責人聯絡,促成連戰大陸行。
Henry C. Wang (王春申)
Henry C. Wang is the Managing Partner of CFO Inc., an accounting and financial service company located in Santa Clara, CA. He is a long time residence of Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay area (Since 1963).
Graduated from Golden Gate University and worked seven years with the Inspector General’s Office of the U. S. Department of Labor, Henry started his own Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm with two other college friends. Through two separate mergers, in four years, the practice has grown to five offices (San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, New York and Washington D.C.) with six partners and eighty professional staff. Henry is a founding member and served on the steering committee (1977) in organizing the Asian-American CPAs. The practice was later sold to Delloitte Touche and Henry stayed in charge of government contract operations-western region.
After Delloitte, Henry co-founded Covenant Real Estate Investment Trust (specializing in developing commercial properties) with seven other business associates including an ex-Corporate Commissioner of California. As president of the REIT, he successfully completed a private offering in two years.
Henry later joined Euro-America Financial, a merchant banking operation in Beverly Hills. One of the acquisitions is a regional business publisher: “The California Executive”. He served as president and publisher for 4 years.
Henry returned to the San Francisco Bay area in 1988 and began his investment advisory and pension administration practice, Integrated Financial Services, Ltd. (IFS). IFS joint CFO Today in 2002, a national accounting franchise with 160 local offices in the U. S. Henry became its Managing Partner for the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area operation.
Henry served 24 years as board member of the San Jose Jazz (Since 1992) and its treasurer for 10 years, whose mission is to provide music outreach and education to elementary and middle school children in the Silicon Valley (Santa Clara and southern Alameda counties). San Jose Jazz believes that music enhances learning in mathematics and science. During his tenure, the Society’s annual budget has grown from $160,000 to currently $2 million through corporate and private donations and serving over 100,000 students. Henry also serves as Treasurer and on the board of Wang Yun-Wu Foundations at both Taiwan and The U. S. The Foundations provide educational development and resources for the under privileged and has set up 18 public libraries in rural areas of China and Taiwan. In addition, the Foundations provide 22 university level scholarships and graduate level research grants in China, Taiwan and The U. S.
Henry became the chairman of Taiwan Commercial Press May 2015 to continue its mission in publishing viable books that will convert information to knowledge that will enhance the quality of reader’s life.
王春申,加州金門大學畢業,在美國勞工部監察長辦公室服務七年。隨後與兩位大學校友開辦了自己的會計事務所。四年後,他們的會計事務所發展為五個分所(舊金山,薩克拉門托,洛杉磯,紐約和華盛頓特區)、六個合夥人和80位專業人員。會計事務所後來出售給Delloitte Touche公司,王春申留任所裡,負責美西地區的政府合同業務。
後加盟比佛利山莊的 “歐美金融公司”(Euro-America Financial)。該公司收購區域的商業期刊The California Executive後他擔任總裁與發行人4年。
王春申1988年回到舊金山灣地區,開創了Integrated Financial Services, Ltd公司(IFS),從事投資諮詢和養老金管理的業務。 IFS2002年加入CFO Today公司。王春申擔任矽谷/舊金山灣區業務的 執行主管。
自1992年起,連續擔任24年的San Jose 爵士協會的董事。此協會的使命是促進矽谷地區中小學生的音樂教育。協會認為音樂有助於學生學數學和科學。在他任職期間,該協會的年度預算從$ 160,000增至到現在的兩百萬美元,有十萬學生獲益。
王春生還擔任台灣和美國兩地王雲五基金會的董事和司庫。王雲五是王春生的祖父,國民政府期間擔任過商務印書館總經理、國民政府財政部長和行政院副院長。王雲五基金會為貧窮地區提供教育資源,在中國大陸和台灣的農村建立了18個公共圖書館。此外,該基金會頒發大學獎學金和研究生獎學金,供22名學生在中國大陸、台灣和美國 從事學習和研究。